Piloting requirements

The Alpha has EN/LTF A certification. It is suitable for schooling and therefore ideal for beginners and leisure pilots. Simple takeoff handling, high passive safety and inherent stability define this wing. In addition, strong steering inputs result in only modest energy manoeuvring. All these qualities make the ALPHA a safe companion in the third dimension.

Suitable harnesses

ADVANCE paragliders are compatible with all ADVANCE harnesses, provided nothing to the contrary is explicitly stated in the paraglder manual. Basically, the ALPHA DLS may be flown with any harness that does NOT have rigid cross bracing.

During certification testing, harnesses with the following characteristics were used:

  • All-up in-flight weight less than 80 kg: carabiner distance 40 ± 2 cm, height 40 ± 1 cm
  • All-up in-flight weight 80 to 100 kg: carabiner distance 44 ± 2 cm, height 42 ± 1 cm
  • All-up in-flight weight more than 100 kg: carabiner distance 48 ± 2 cm, height 44 ± 1 cm
WarningA harness and its settings (back angle, carabiner distance, speed bag etc.) can significantly influence the flight behaviour of a paraglider.

Weight range

The ALPHA DLS comes in five sizes. The weight ranges for the different wing sizes are listed in the “Technical Data“ section. The figures given there refer to total take-off weight. This includes the pilot’s body weight including clothing, as well as the weight of all the equipment (paraglider, harness, instruments, etc. – everything that’s going to fly).

Seamless Weight Ranges

The ALPHA DLS was planned for Seamless (continuous) weight ranges, with no overlapping. These mean that any particular flying weight features in only one glider size. These ALPHA DLS Ideal Takeoff Weight ranges provide the best compromise between speed and climbing performance for all normal conditions, for each glider size.

Flying outside the Seamless Weight Ranges, in other words near the lower or upper certified weight limits, can alter a paraglider’s flying behavior and handling, but without affecting your safety. Glide performance remains the same over a complete weight range, but climb performance is altered.

If the ALPHA DLS is flown outside its Seamless Weight Range, in the upper part of its Certified Weight Range, the higher wing loading will raise its trim speed and produce more dynamic and agile flying characteristics.

Flying with a wet paraglider (risk of deep stall)

Flying with a wet glider creates a risk of deep stall. Deep stall is often the result of a combination of factors. The weight of the wet canopy goes up, and this increased weight increases the angle of attack, which always puts the glider nearer the deep stall limit. Added to this, water drops on the top surface have a detrimental effect on the laminar flow of the boundary layer near the leading edge, which distinctly reduces the maximum lift coefficient. If the wet glider is also being flown at its lower weight limit there is a further small effect of increasing the angle of attack, as well as there being a lower airspeed because of the reduced wing loading.

In order to avoid the risk of deep stall with a wet glider, the wing should be braked as little as possible, and big ears not used at all. As a further preventative measure apply moderate (25-40 %) speed bar. These actions have a small effect in reducing the angle of attack. If the wet glider does go into deep stall you should recover by using the speed bar only. See also section "Deep stall".


When using the product there is always the risk of unpredictable overstress in flight, for example caused by flying conditions or a surprise bump in the air. In rare cases the product could suffer damage. This is especially disappointing in that, usually, neither the manufacturer nor the pilot can be held responsible. Light products tend to be more susceptible to damage due to overstress.

InfoIn the event of damage, please contact your dealer and they will contact us. We strive to be accommodating in such cases and work together to find the best possible solution. This is individual and depends on the assessment of each case.


The ALPHA DLS is suitable for winch launching. When taking off in windless conditions, ensure that the paraglider is laid out in an arched or even wedge shape (to avoid risk of the glider rosetting).

Winch launch is only permitted if: 

  • The pilot has completed a tow training course (only Germany/DHV).
  • The winch system is certified for use with paragliders.
  • The winch operator has been fully trained in paraglider winching.


During the development of the ALPHA DLS, the focus was concentrated on simple and safe use, and similarly-natured flying behaviour.

Assuming adequate pilot ability and correct technique, the ALPHA DLS lends itself well to flying such manoeuvres as wingovers, SATs, helicopters and asymmetric spiral.s The wing was tested to the usual 8G load factor, but is not specially strengthened for industrial strength acro.

Be aware that dynamic manoeuvres put greater loading on the structure and can shorten the glider’s life. This means that a regular check of the paraglider is essential for your safety. In addition there will be the special requirements of your country to be observed.

Tandem flying

The ALPHA DLS is not certified for tandem flying.