Ultraviolet light, heat, humidity, sea water, aggressive cleaning agents, unsuitable storing and physical abuse ( dragging across the ground ) speed up the ageing process.
All rubbing and sliding action speeds up the paraglider fabric ageing process. The PU-coated nylon cloth is dirt-resistant anyway.
If your glider gets heavily soiled with dirt, grass stains, grease, cow dung, mold, resin or other dirt, just clean the fabric with a soft, damp cloth. Then allow the glider to dry thoroughly before packing it away.
It is best to use baby powder gently on adhesive residues.
Like any flying device, every paraglider should be routinely inspected by its pilot so that any damage to canopy, suspension points, lines, risers, etc. can be quickly detected and repaired. See chapter Repairs. Especially after a tree landing, or when the canopy has been dragged over the ground, the paraglider must be visually inspected in detail for damage, before it flies again.
Each time a pilot takes a brake line wrap, that line is twisted. Metal swivels inserted between the handle and brake line can release this twist to some extent, but only partially, and routine flight with twists encourages a permanently twisted ‘set’ in a brake line. Some ADVANCE light gliders do not have metal swivels. Check your brake lines regularly for twists and untwist them, so that they naturally lie straight when unloaded.
A damaged brake line, indicated by abrasion or parting of its cover, must be replaced immediately, together with its partner on the other side. The brake lines of all ADVANCE products are standardised and can be ordered as spare parts. Instructions for attaching brake lines can be found in the appendix under "bowline knots".
The ALPHA DLS has a straightthrough trans-cellular cleaning channel along the trailing edge. Foreign objects that might have collected there, such as dust, sand and melting snow can be removed as required. Open the Velcro on the stabilos to provide an exit. Dirt and dust can either be shaken out on the ground, or self-removed during flight. After removal the Velcro exits are stowed again.
If the paraglider is frequently flown accelerated the riser shortening lines may show signs of wear at their pulleys - fraying or chafing. If this is noticed, the line must be replaced by a specialist dealer. This action would also be taken during a periodic inspection, if necessary.
Replacement plastic clips for empty riser quick-link triangles can be ordered as spare parts and easily installed by the user.
Your ALPHA DLS must be checked every 24 months, 150 flying hours or 150 flights, whichever comes first. The check should be carried out by an authorised ADVANCE check centre, according to the recommended guidelines.
When carrying out a periodic glider inspection, the condition of all materials is assessed with the utmost care according to strict guidelines. At the end of the inspection, the overall condition of the paraglider is rated and recorded in a test report. If these guidelines are not observed, the extended ADVANCE warranty becomes null and void.
A paraglider is a lifting surface of complex construction. Seams and lines have been made with great precision. In general, therefore, an unauthorised individual should not carry out paraglider repairs. Only the manufacturer or an authorised Service Organisation should replace components with identical parts, or refit complete cells.
Small repairs become exceptions to this principle. Examples could be repairs to small tears or holes with self-adhesive Ripstop material, or replacing lines. In every case of repair or line change the paraglider must be pulled up on the ground before its next flight, and visually checked.
Your paraglider is delivered with a repair kit containing self-adhesive Ripstop. Other parts, such as lines, quicklinks, softlinks or risers can be obtained from your ADVANCE dealer, an ADVANCE Service Center or direct from ADVANCE. Addresses are on www.advance.swiss.
Tears up to 3 cm in length, and very small holes that do not meet a seam, can be patched with the self-adhesive Ripstop from your repair kit. Make sure than the patch is cut out in a round or oval shape, and is big enough to generously overlap the damage. The similar piece of sticky Ripstop on the inside of the repair should be of a different size.
A damaged line must be changed, without exception. The easiest option is to go to an ADVANCE Service Centre or your ADVANCE dealer. Alternatively you can order the specific replacement line direct from ADVANCE or an ADVANCE dealer and fit it yourself. All the addresses are on: www.advance.swiss. Under “Service” on www.advance.swiss there are detailed instructions for identifying your line so that you can order it, and then fit it correctly on the wing.
If a leading edge wire breaks or its seam rips the glider must be taken to an ADVANCE checking facility where the wire can be replaced or sewn back in. To guarantee a long lifespan it is important that the wing is not allowed to fall on its leading edge after landing, otherwise the fabric can be damaged by abrasion. But mainly there is a risk, as in all paragliders, that the crossports could tear.
Environmental protection plays an important role in the selection of materials and the manufacture of an ADVANCE product. We use only non-toxic materials and fabrics that are subjected to continuous quality and environmental impact assessments. When your equipment reaches the end of its useful life, please remove all metal parts (recycling) and dispose of straps and material in the designated facilities.