Preparation for flight

Pack the back compartment

Careful packing of the back compartment contributes significantly to flight comfort. Pack the paraglider COMPRESSBAG first at the bottom of the back compartment. Then roll the COMFORTPACK into a long, thin shape and push it into the back compartment. You should use the remaining space logically. Pack trekking poles – with the tips up –, food and clothing carefully around the backpack.

Leg strap position holder

For comfortable ground handling, the AXESS 5 now has two elastic cords 1 that keep the leg straps in a comfortable position. The cords are stored in a pocket on the side and can be connected to the leg straps with bullet toggles 2 if required (e.g. for ground handling and soaring sessions with touch and go).

Fitting the optional foot stirrup

The optional foot stirrup, included in AXESS 5 NfL certification, should be fitted as follows:
The black loops at the ends of the stirrup support lines attach to the small tapes loops below the carabiners 1 with small quicklinks (Maillons Rapides). The bungee holdbacks from the harness go through the D rings at the front of the seat shell 2, and should be tied to the small loops halfway down the stirrup lines 3 – as short as practical, but not under permanent tension.
A speed loop accelerate system is supplied with the foot stirrup. ADVANCE recommend that only this speed system is used when flying with the foot stirrup.
A split ring 4 connects the speed loop to the footrest so that the loop can always be conveniently picked up by a foot while flying with the foot stirrup.

WarningOnly the ADVANCE original foot stirrup designed for the AXESS 5 may be used. 

Clipping in the paraglider

The EASY CONNECT SYSTEM with its coloured markings on the AXESS 5 main support loops makes clipping in an ADVANCE wing especially straightforward. The pilot only has to check that the red and blue lines on the glider risers match the same colours on the AXESS 5 support points. The EASY CONNECT SYSTEM improves safety before takeoff.

Takeoff preparation and checks

Before every takeoff carry out the following pre-takeoff checks:

  1. Harness and helmet buckled, reserve OK?
  2. Lines free?
  3. Canopy open?
  4. Wind direction and strength assessed?
  5. Airspace and field-of-view clear?
HintTo get the wing in the right shape for takeoff do the following: pull the brake lines in while you are sorting the lines until the canopy arrives at the perfect banana shape.
WarningBefore each flight, check that the reserve handle is in the intended position and that the yellow locking cables of the reserve handle are correctly stowed.