Packing properly

Gather the wing together from the middle, and fold it to the width of your COMPRESSBAG. When folding, lay the wing profiles nose on nose, so that the nitinol wires lie as flat as possible on each other, all at the same height. Change your folding centreline on a regular basis so that the centre panel (Logo) does not always contain the fold line. Fold in the trailing edge at the end of the mini-ribs (1) then fold the canopy twice from the leading edge (2) & (3) so that it fits perfectly into the COMPRESSBAG (4).

InfoThe nitinol wires in the topsail do not require any special packing tools (pack roll etc.).
HintAlways store your wing in a dry and dark place.

Packing with the Tubebag

Packing in a Tubebag bag is good for the wing, and is easy to do. It avoids undesirable sliding over the ground. Also the shape-retaining storage in a Tubebag promotes long glider life. Lay your wing, mushroomed as after landing, on the spread Tubebag. Next spread the centre chord out to Tubebag length. Arrange the lines and stow the risers on their tabs. Now gather the leading edge cells as described in “General” above, except that all cells make up one pile – no secondary folding into the centre. Then fasten the upper Tubebag strap over the collected leading edge foils so that it holds them neatly together. Follow the same basic process at the trailing edge. Pull the central cell straight then flatten and collect the outlying cells as already described above. Do this carefully without disturbing your leading edge positions. Finally close and fold the Tubebag.


Ultraviolet light, heat, humidity, sea water, aggressive cleaning agents, unsuitable storing and physical abuse ( dragging across the ground ) speed up the ageing process.

HintAlways store your paraglider uncompressed in a dry and dark place.
HintAllow a wet or damp glider to dry by leaving it completely unpacked at room temperature, or outside in the shade.