Manual SQR Classic

Intended use and safety regulations

Intended use

This reserve parachute system was specifically developed as a hand-deployed reserve parachute for paragliding, paramotoring and hanggliding. Its use is not permitted in conjunction with other aerial activities such as parachuting, skydiving or base jumping. The SQR reserve system is certified according to EN 12491 and LTF NFL II 91/09 standards.

WarningDo not deploy a SQR reserve at airspeeds exceeding 115 km/h (32 m/s)

Packing and inspection requirements

Every 12 months the reserve should be opened, aired and repacked. This packing event should be noted (online) in the reserve packing and inspection record.

Every 24 months the SQR reserve should have a periodic inspection and this event entered (online) in the packing and inspection record.

Additional packing and inspection conditions

If the reserve gets damp or is exposed to sand, water or other hazards, a repack must be considered or the packing interval shortened.

WarningIf the packed reserve has been tightly compressed to minimise volume, we recommend a reduced repacking interval of 6 months.

If you are uncertain about the effects of these factors please contact a qualified organisation. To review your repacks, packing intervals, inspection and repair history you can refer to the online record that was automatically set up at product registration.

Online record

Service time, entry into service and extension

The expected service time of a reserve is 10 years. Even if the reserve has never been used, it must be replaced after this time span.

The official service time of a reserve starts when it is first installed, known as the Entry into Service date. This date must be noted on the certification label on the bridle, by whoever installs the reserve. The 10-year service time, and the dates for the repacking schedule all refer to this Entry into Service date.

Dealer repack exception: if a reserve remains in a dealer’s possession for more than a year he must air and repack it before sale to a customer. If the reserve remains in the dealer's possession for 2 years it is deemed to have entered service on this 2-year date.

Two-year extension: at the end of the 10 years' service time, a two-year service time extension can be granted by the manufacturer. This must be arranged online, see more information on our website. The work requires a comprehensive factory inspection and measurement of the reserve. If satisfactory, a two-year service time extension will be granted and documented.

Water and salt water

In the event of a water-landing, do not repack the reserve until it has completely dried in the air. The best way to dry your reserve is to hang it upside down, symmetrically. If the reserve is incompletely dried (canopy or lines), it may shrink asymmetrically. Never use a heat source to speed up the drying process.

Salt water: if any part of the reserve gets wet with salt water, the whole reserve must be rinsed several times in fresh water, then dried.

WarningIf salt water is not rinsed off within 36 hours, the reserve must be declared NON-AIRWORTHY AND DANGEROUS – not flown again!

Other special conditions

If a canopy shows signs of mildew or mould, its strength can be affected. It must be sent to a dealer or the manufacturer for inspection and testing.
Your reserve should be sent for a factory inspection whenever any of the following situations apply:

  • 20 deployments or
  • 40 repacks or
  • A deployment at, close to or above the maximum certified deployment airspeed (115 km/h – 32 m/s – 71 mph)

A factory inspection should only be carried out by a certified organisation. Your local dealer can advise on this subject.

To be sure that the correct materials and techniques are used, all repairs should be done by the manufacturer.