The harness can be flown with any paraglider. There are no restrictions.
Most ADVANCE harnesses are suitable for winch launching. For tandem flying the tow link must be attached to the passenger harness. If in doubt, you should consult the winch driver or someone authorised by the manufacturer.
The BIPRO 4 is certified as a tandem harness for up to 120 kg, and as such is suitable for tandem acro flying.
The harness BIPRO 4 is basically also suitable for single-seat flying. However, it was not designed for this purpose.
The Easy Fold Feature, an obvious hinge function at protector level, makes BIPRO 4 folding simple and compact. Fold the back on to the legpads and push these forward together for an even more compact result. Finally stow the harness in the packsack.
The BIPRO 4 is suitable for tandem training use.
Use the correct technique to release and throw the reserve. This is a pull then throw to the side. Do not pull straight up. Throw the reserve inner container as far away as possible in the transverse direction so that the lines are quickly extended and tensioned.
In strong rotational flight such as a spiral dive, very high G-loading can occur. This can make reserve throwing much more difficult.
Immediately after the reserve deployment, try to collapse the canopy if possible, or separate from it with a Hook Knife or Quick Out carabiner to avoid a shear position. Due to the shoulder attachment you should land with your legs on the ground first. Try to absorb the energy with a landing roll.
In a strong surface wind there’s a risk that the pilot, attached at the shoulders, will be dragged over the ground by the reserve and paraglider. Options for dealing with this are distinctly limited.
In general, caution is advised when flying over water, whether it be crossing a lake during a cross country, or during SIV safety training. In particular a pilot can land in the water during SIV, intentionally or otherwise.
Especially in this case it is very important, if possible, to get out of the speedbag before splashdown, and open all buckles except the front belt or use the hook knife. Immediately after entering the water the front belt must be opened or cut. Get away from the harness and all your equipment as quickly as possible.
Even when landing in the water during SIV, with a lifejacket, it is recommended that the BIPRO 4 buckles are unfastened and the harness taken off before getting into the boat. When full of water the harness gets very heavy and makes it very difficult for the pilot to board the rescue boat.
Everything described so far applies. Depending on the situation and danger (current, waves) it may be useful to cut straps with the hook knife before touching down, as the front strap cannot be opened under tension, or even to cut all straps and jump or slide out of the harness into the water.
After contact with water, all protectors and the comfort foam should be removed from the BIPRO 4. See chapter "Installing/removing components". Everything should then be allowed to dry in a shaded place outside, or carefully laid out in a dry room – or the harness could be hung by its carabiners and gently wafted to and fro. The reserve must be taken out and dried separately. Obviously it should then be repacked.
In the event of a tree landing, with or without a reserve parachute, there is a risk of a possible fall.